Hello, web traveler!

I'm Cam

I'm a frontend developer based in the US with a background in branding and graphic design. I enjoy working on open source web projects, photography, and game development in Unreal Engine as a tech artist & VFX artist.

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My skills


Tailwind CSS







Selected Projects

TP Toolkit

This project is a reverse geo-coder for locations along the major highways in New Jersey, the NJ Turnpike and the Garden State Parkway. I created this for work, since there was a need for a tool like this to improve our workflow.

Facekick Studios

I created this page for a friend of mine for his programming business. I was tasked with creating the frontend including buttons that were ready for backend logic.

ULC Generator

I created a fully-featured script for FiveM called Ultimate Lighting Controller which requires a configuration file. Since many of the users are not programmers I created this tool so that users could generate configuration files using an intuitive GUI.

This portfolio!

This portfolio itself was carefully crafted using NextJS and Tailwind CSS. Other tools used include Headless UI and Lucide Icons.

Cameron Gustavson

Frontend Developer & Photographer

© Cameron Gustavson 2023

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